To keep nuts greene a year, and also fresh: ye shall put them into a pot with hony, and they shall continue fresh for a yeare, and the said hony will be gentle and good for many medicines.
This information is supplied courtesy of The Kentish Cobnut Association.
Recipe |
Ingredients |
Method |
Roasting Cobnuts
Roasting enhances the flavour of cobnuts. Only a few ounces, coarsely ground, lend a nutty tang to dishes savoury or sweet. |
To roast cobnuts, shell them and place them in an oven at 300 degree F/150 degrees C/ Gas Mark 2 for up to an hour, depending on their size and freshness, until they are hard and browned, but not burnt. About 4oz nuts in their shells will produce 1.5oz of roasted kernels, but be generous - they are so delicious some may never reach the dish. |
Buttered Cobnuts
A delicious hors d'oeuvre or snack which is very easy to make |
8oz shelled cobnuts
1-2oz butter |
Put the nuts and butter, together with a little salt, into a shallow, uncovered dish. Microwave on high for 3 minutes, stir, cook for another 3 minutes, and stir again. If the nuts are not yet crisp, cook for another 3 minutes, checking that they do not burn. |
Watercress & Cobnut Soup
Serves 4- 6 |
4oz cobnuts whizzed finely in a food processor
2 large bundles watercress
2 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped
1.5 pints chicken stock
1oz butter
1oz plain flour
5floz single cream milk to thin if required
Pick over the watercress and discard the stalks. Boil all the ingredients except the butter, the flour and a small amount of watercress (for garnish) for about 15 minutes then liquidize. Fry the flour in the butter for a few minutes, stirring all the time, then gradually add the liquidized mixture while stirring. Bring to the boil, and thin with milk if required. Garnish with a little chopped watercress and a swirl of cream |
Marrow stuffed with nuts and Plums
Serves 4 |
1 large marrow
2 medium onions, diced thinly
2 cloves garlic (optional)
12oz plums (or a smaller quantity of damsons)
1lb cobnuts (weighed in husk)
6oz mushrooms, sliced thickly
4 tomatoes, sliced
4oz butter
2 heaped teaspoons grated fresh root ginger
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
Wash the marrow, split in half lengthways, and remove the seedy central pith. Place in an ovenproof dish.
Stone and halve the plums, and shell the cobnuts and chop them coarsely. fry the onions in half the butter. Mix all the filling ingredients together and season to taste. Pack into the marrow and dot with the rest of the butter.
Cover ad cook in a moderate oven (325 degrees F, 170 degrees C, Gas Mark 3) for 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the size of the marrow.
Cocoa Cobnuts
An ideal great for Christmas which is not too rich. |
Crack and shell some cobnuts, preferably keeping the kernel whole. This is most easily achieved by cracking them end-on, if you have suitable nutcrackers. Roast the kernels until they are hard and brown, but not black.
Soften a small quantity of dark chocolate in the bottom of a saucepan, and roll the nuts in it until they are well coated. Set aside on a plate to cool. Sprinkle cocoa over them when the chocolate is nearly set, turning them so they are coated all over.
Nutty Apple Ice
1lb cooking apples
1tbsp water
peel of half a lemon cut into strips
1tbsp lemon juice
4oz sugar
2 eggs, separated
1.25pt each single & double cream
1.5oz roasted cobnuts, corsely ground
Cook the peeled apples with the water and lemon peel to a pulp in a covered pan. Sieve, add lemon juice, sugar and beaten egg yolks, and leave to cool. When cold, mix in the coarsely ground nuts, whip the egg whites until stiff and, using the same whisk, whip the single and double cream together. First fold the cream into the apple mixture, then the egg whites, and freeze for two hours. |
Damson and cobnut mincemeat
3/4 pt medium cider
1llb soft dark brown sugar
4llbs cooking apples, peeled, cored and chopped
1 tsp ground m ixed spice
1tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch ground cloves
1llb currants
1llb raisins
4oz damsons (also can use glacé cherries)
4oz fresh cobnuts roughly chopped (can use ground if prefer, and can use more if prefer!)
Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/4 pt brandy or rum |
Put the cider and sugar into a large pan and heat gently until the sugar has completely dissolved. Stir in the rest of the ingredients, except the brandy or rum and slowly bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Lower the heat, partially cover the pan and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to become completely cold. Stir in the brandy or rum and spoon into cold, sterilised jars making sure there are no air bubbless. Cover with waxed discs and tight fitting lids.